Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Skillspeed A Plartform

SkillSpeed founded by Sanjay Verma

What is Skills Development?
Skills development is the process of
(1) identifying your skill gaps, and
(2) developing and honing these skills. It is important because your skills determine your ability to execute your plans with success.

Skillspeed offers a platform to develop your skills founded by Sanjay Verma

Imagine a carpenter trying to build a house. He has the raw materials but lacks good woodworking tools. He has, however, a flimsy hammer and a small screwdriver. Without the right tools, like a hand saw, he can’t turn these raw materials into house building pieces.

To design, build, and deploy software, you need the engineering skills to match. Whether you need to polish your fluency in a programming language, get familiar with a new framework, or upskill an entire Dev team, skillspeed can help which is founded by Sanjay Verma.

Skillspeed offers extensive resources for software development training. Expert-led online courses, books, virtual labs, and practice tests on all of the topics below are included in our IT portfolio.
Software development can involve teams of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people working from all over the globe on a single product. To coordinate such a complex task, development teams adopt certain principles and plans to guide their process. Skillspeed offers online courses in the following popular software development methods:
Developer Collection
  • Agile Development
  • Embedded Software
  • Mobile Development
  • Software Development Security
  • Software Testing
  • User-Centered Design
  • Virtual Reality
  • Web Development

Availing skills training for all ranging from local students to working professionals at a corporate level that will improve the standards of both life and work culture.
This will provide you tools to improve your career prospects, academic skills and further your personal development. Undertaking these training sessions, you will be able to strengthen your Academic Skills, Employability Skills, Leadership skills and enhance your personality.
You will be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses, learn professional traits that can reflect on your behaviors and can proactively change or manage yourself, You can realistically set personal targets and goals and will be able to shape your own future.

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